Cybersecurity training

Book a workshop or training session for an IT security topic of your choice. Our team will identify fitting cybersecurity experts in our community that match your requirements.

Cybersecurity Training

Strengthen your IT security knowhow

Alongside penetration testing & cybersecurity consulting, bugshell also offers training sessions and workshops for your company. Let our community consisting of highly specialized IT security experts help you better understand the weak points of your company.

Cybersecurity trainings address general corporate IT security issues, such as employee behavior during phishing attacks or cyberattack response capabilities. Trainings can also be highly specialized, as certain technology areas require high levels of expertise for which there are few experts. Trainings can be delivered as interactive workshops or less interactive seminars. Bugshell offers mainly specialized trainings.

Cybersecurity trainings address general corporate IT security issues, such as employee behavior during phishing attacks or cyberattack response capabilities. Training can also be highly specialized, as certain technology areas require high levels of expertise for which there are few experts. Trainings can be delivered as interactive workshops or less interactive seminars. Bugshell offers mainly specialized trainings.

The combination of trainings with penetration tests are strongly recommended. The human factor plays a significant role when it comes to the IT security of a company but only a penetration test can provide the in-depth analysis of a company’s state of IT.

What we offer

Bugshell specializes in hacking workshops & awareness trainings but also offers more customized training sessions.

Hacking Workshop

Participate in an interactive workshop that will focus on giving you a basic to advanced understanding of how to hack in a specific IT-topic.

Awareness Training

Learn how to look at the topic of IT security from the perspective of a perpetrator or hacker, which can help you better understand IT security risks.

Custom Training

Are you looking for a highly customized training or workshop with very specific requirements? We got you covered! Contact us today!

Book a training today!

With bugshell you can access a large set of skills in the field of IT security. We help you plan but also connect you with the right expert for your next training session!